Laghusiddhantakaumudi – Vardaraj VIrchit: Mool Evam Saral VIstrit Hindi Vyakhya Sahit – By Swami Dharanand Shastri (Author) – MLBD Publications

Current price is: ₹221. Original price was: ₹295.

Paperback – 1 January 2015 , 11th Edition

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Book Summary of Laghusiddhantakaumudi–Vardaraj Virchit Essence of Vajrayana is the first complete explanation in English to the uncommon generation stage practice of Heruka body mandala. Buddha Heruka is a manifestation of all the Buddhas` enlightened compassion, and by relying upon him we can swiftly attain a pure selfless joy and bring true happiness to others. In Part One Geshe Kelsang explains with characteristic clarity and precision how we can practise the sublime visualizations of Heruka body mandala and thereby gradually transform our ordinary world and experiences into the transcendental reality of a Buddha. Then, in Part Two, he provides definitive instructions on the completion stage practices that lead to the supreme bliss of full enlightenment in this one lifetime.


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